Picture Finder Pro is a powerful and handy application that allows you to automatically download pictures from the Internet in just a few seconds. You just have to enter a keyword and the program surfs the net for you searching everything related to that word. All the downloaded content is saved to a particular folder specified for that project and shown as thumbnails, but you can also view the files in their original size in its built-in previewer. The user interface is really straightforward and intuitive, very similar to Windows Explorer, which makes this task even easier and faster. The program has the ability to filter files by size, but it does not offer a file type filter which would allow you to narrow down your search and find exactly what your are looking for, thus wasting less time. Version 2.7 includes bug fixes, some updates, higher processing speed, and enhancements. As it is an evaluation version, it only allows you to download 20 files per project. It supports Windows XP/2000/NT/98/Me.